3rd P4 Workshop in Europe (EuroP4)

A presentation by the P4 Language Consortium and ONF in conjunction with CoNEXT 2020

Held online on December 1, 2020

EuroP4 2020 is the third P4 Language Consortium event in Europe. It aims to bring together P4 and P4->NetFPGA researchers from Europe and from around the world, and to foster the growth of the P4 Community.

Topics of an interest include, but are not limited to:

  • All aspects of P4-based network protocol research, including design, specification, verification, implementation, measurement, testing, and analysis.
  • Design, analysis, and evaluation of network architectures using P4 as a basis, e.g., specific algorithms and protocols for network virtualization or future Internet architectures.
  • New applications enabled by P4, including in-network computing and Big Data, Video and Virtual Reality, Mobile and Wireless Network Protocols and Applications, Ubiquitous computing, Internet-of-Things and Smart Cities.
  • Secure, reliable and dependable P4-based systems, including all aspects of monitoring, verification, debugging and troubleshooting networks enabled by P4.
  • P4-based and P4-NetFPGA based programmable data planes.
  • P4 end-host networking, offloading transport- and application-layer protocols to P4-enabled hardware.
  • Tools and frameworks for development using P4.
  • Contributions to the evolution of the P4 language.


As a consequence of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and similar to CoNEXT’20, EuroP4’20 will be a fully virtual (online) event. Please follow the updates on the CoNEXT’20 and our website for the details.


Registration is through CoNEXT 2020

General Chairs

Noa Zilberman, University of Cambridge
Robert Soulé, Yale University

Program Chairs

Fernando Ramos, University of Lisbon
Gabor Retvari, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Technical Program Committee (tentative)

Aurojit Panda, New York University
Ben Pfaff, VMware
Brian O’Connor, Open Networking Foundation
Christian Rothenberg, University of Campinas
Gianni Antichi, Queen Mary University of London
Gordon Brebner, Xilinx Labs
Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge
Marco Chiesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Mario Baldi, Pensando Systems & Politecnico di Torino
Mina Tahmasbi Arashloo, Cornell University
Nate Foster, Cornell University
Paolo Costa, Microsoft Research
Roberto Bifulco, NEC Labs Europe
Sandor Laki, Eötvös Loránd University
Shir Landau Feibish, Princeton University
Theo Jepsen, Stanford University

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