ONF projects are being highlighted in several of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 sessions:

August 23, 2021 | 10:00am – 5:00pm EDT

Hackathon: P4 on Raspberry PI (P4Pi)

P4PI enables designing and deploying P4-based network devices using the Raspberry Pi platform and is based on the T4P4S compiler. P4PI is developed as part of the P4 Education Workgroup activities. The team aims to provide both educators and practitioners the knowledge and tools required to use P4PI in class and at home, including tutorials, sample code, tools and community support.

Check out the web page to learn more. Introductory videos can be accessed in a YouTube playlist.

August 23, 2021 | 1:40pm – 5:00pm EDT

Tutorial, “5G Connected Edge Cloud”

  • Describe 5G, breaking it down into components familiar to the SIGCOMM community.
  • Introduce the available open source software that implements these components.
  • Show how these building blocks can be assembled into a Kubernetes-based edge cloud.
  • Identify and discuss the systems research opportunities such a platform enables.

Check out the web page to learn more.

August 27, 2021 | 1:00pm – 5:00pm EDT

Tutorial: Network-Accelerated Distributed Deep Learning

  • An introduction on scaling distributed machine learning from a networking-centric perspective. Includes a walk through of through of different solutions for accelerating network communication beginning with in-network aggregation, describing SwitchML (a system for distributed machine learning that accelerates data-parallel training using P4 switches) as an example of co-design of programmable switch-based processing and end-host protocols.
  • Examination of into properties of the traffic and exploit the sparsity of gradient values. A description of OmniReduce, which evolves the concept of in-network aggregation and focuses on efficient collective operations for sparse data. We will close with lossy gradient compression techniques and the GRACE framework for implementing them.

Check out the web page to learn more.

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