2nd P4 Workshop in Europe (EuroP4)

A presentation by the P4 Language Consortium and ONF in conjunction with ANCS 2019

Held at Cambridge, UK on September 23, 2019

EuroP4 2019 is the second P4 Language Consortium event in Europe.
It aims to bring together P4 and P4->NetFPGA researchers from Europe and from around the world, and to foster the growth of the P4 Community.

Topics of an interest include, but are not limited to:

  • All aspects of P4-based network protocol research including design, specification, verification, implementation, measurement, testing, and analysis.
  • Contributions to network architecture using P4, e.g., specific algorithms and protocols for network virtualization or future Internet architectures.
  • New applications and in-network computing enabled by P4
  • P4-based and P4-NetFPGA based programmable data planes
  • End-host networking with P4
  • Tools and frameworks for development using P4
  • Performance analysis and measurement of P4-based designs and systems
  • Contributions to the evolution of the P4 language


University of Cambridge
Department of Computer Science and Technology
The Computer Laboratory
William Gates Building
15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD


  • 8:30 – 9:15am
    • Registration and Breakfast

  • 9:15 – 9:30
    • Welcome and Introductions

  • 9:30 – 10:30
    • Keynote: Undefined behaviours in P4 progams: find them, fix them or exploit them. (Slides) Speaker: Professor Costin Raiciu (University Politehnica of Bucharest)

  • 10:30 – 11:00
    • Coffee break

  • 11:00 – 12:15
    • Offloading data plane functions to the multi-tenant Cloud Infrastructure using P4. (Paper) (Slides)
      Tomasz Osinski (Orange Labs & Warsaw University of Technology), Mateusz Kossakowski (Orange Labs & Warsaw University of Technology), Halina Tarasiuk (Warsaw University of Technology), Roland Picard (Orange Labs)
    • P4DNS: In-Network DNS. (Paper) (Slides)
      Jackson Woodruff (University of Cambridge), Murali Ramanujam (University of Cambridge), Noa Zilberman (University of Cambridge)
    • Cryptographic Hashing in P4 Data Planes. (Paper) (Slides)
      Dominik Scholz (Technical University of Munich), Andreas Oeldemann (Technical University of Munich), Fabien Geyer (Technical University of Munich), Sebastian Gallenmüller (Technical University of Munich), Henning Stubbe (Technical University of Munich), Thomas Wild (Technical University of Munich), Andreas Herkersdorf (Technical University of Munich), Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich)

  • 12:15 – 13:45
    • Lunch break

  • 13:45 – 15:00
    • daPIPE – A Data Plane Incremental Programming Environment. (Paper) (Slides)
      Mario Baldi (Politecnico di Torino)
    • Random Linear Network Coding on Programmable Switches. (Paper) (Slides)
      Diogo Gonçalves (University of Lisbon), Salvatore Signorello (University of Lisbon), Fernando M.V. Ramos (University of Lisbon), Muriel Medard (MIT)
    • Towards Understanding the Performance of P4 Programmable Hardware. (Paper) (Slides)
      Hasanin Harkous (Technical University of Munich/ Nokia Bell Labs), Michael Jarschel (Nokia Bell Labs), Mu He (Technical University of Munich), Rastin Pries (Nokia Bell Labs), Wolfgang Kellerer (Technical University of Munich)

  • 15:00 – 15:15
    • Posters and Demos introduction and pitch

  • 15:15 – 16:15
    • Coffee break with Posters and Demos

  • 16:15 – 17:15 (No Proceedings Track)
    • Towards Neural Network Inference on Programmable Switches. Jonatan Langlet (Karlstad University), Andreas Kassler (Karlstad University), Deval Bhamare (Karlstad University)
    • In-Network Traffic Redundancy Elimination over Programmable Data Plane. Hongrok Choi (Korea University), Seokwon Jang (Korea University), Sangheon Pack (Korea University)
    • Estimation of logarithmic and exponential functions entirely in P4-programmable data planes. Damu Ding (FBK CREATE-NET research center), Marco Savi (FBK CREATE-NET research center), Domenico Siracusa (FBK CREATE-NET research center)
    • Resource-Efficient Service Function Chaining in Programmable Data Plane. Hochan Lee (Korea University), Jaewook Lee (Korea University), Haneul Ko (Korea University), Sangheon Pack (Korea University)
    • How NRENs can benefit from P4. Mauro Campanella (GARR), Pavel Benacek (CESNET), Ivana Golub (PSNC), Xavier Jeannin (RENATER), Damian Parniewicz (PSNC), Marco Savi (FBK), Frederic Loui (RENATER)

  • 17:15 – 17:30
    • Closing

  • 18:00 onwards
    • Social Event This event will be held in conjuction with the IEEE ANCS reception.

Accepted Posters

  • P4MT: Multi-Tenant Support Prototype for International P4 Testbed. Jim Hao Chen (iCAIR/Northwestern University), Buck Chung (National Chiao Tung University), Chien-Chao Tseng (National Chiao Tung University), Joe Mambretti (iCAIR/Northwestern University)
  • Sketch-based Entropy Estimation for Network Traffic Analysis using Programmable Data Plane ASICs. Yu-Kuen Lai (Chung-Yuan Christian University), Ku-Yeh Shih (Chung-Yuan Christian University), Po-Yu Huang (Chung-Yuan Christian University), Ho-Ping Lee (Chung-Yuan Christian University), Yu-Jau Lin (Chung-Yuan Christian University), Te-Lung Liu (Narlabs), Jim Chen (Northwestern University)
  • Graph-to-P4: A P4 boilerplate code generator for parse graphs. Eder Ollora Zaballa (Technical University of Denmark), Zifan Zhou (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Asynchronous Extern Functions in Programmable Software Data Planes. Daniel Horpacsi (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Sandor Laki (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Peter Voros (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Mate Tejfel (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Gergely Pongracz (Ericsson Research), Laszlo Molnar (Ericsson Research)

Accepted Demos

  • P4-NetFPGA-based network slicing solution for 5G MEC architectures. Ruben Ricart-Sanchez (University of the West of Scotland), Pedro Malagon (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid), Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero (University of the West of Scotland), Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland)
  • Using P4 on Fixed-Pipeline and Programmable Stratum Switches. Brian O’Connor (ONF), Yi Tseng (ONF), Maximilian Pudelko (ONF), Alireza Ghaffarkhah (Google), Devjit Gopalpur (Google)
  • How to measure the speed of light with programmable data plane hardware?. Ralf Kundel (TU Darmstadt), Fridolin Siegmund (TU Darmstadt), Boris Koldehofe (TU Darmstadt)

General Chairs

Program Chairs

Web Chair

Technical Program Committee

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:



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